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CAS Faculty Administration Winter Newsletter

Sent: January 6, 2025 2:04 pm

CAS Faculty Administration Winter Newsletter


Upcoming Deadlines

  1. Dossiers for new tenured hires and assistant professor reappointments (and outstanding promotion reviews) effective 7/1 – due January 13th
  2. RSA nomination forms – due January 27th
  3. Phased retirement applications (via RASR) – due February 12th
  4. Dossiers for teaching-track promotions effective 7/1 – due March 20th
  5. Fall 2024 RSA reports – due March 31st



  1. Interfolio for APT Coming Late Spring 2025: The Office of Faculty Affairs has partnered with Interfolio to implement an electronic management system for the appointment, promotion, and tenure (APT) process at UNC Chapel Hill. Access to the system for chairs and managers, as well as additional information about College-specific processes, will be provided later this spring. You can read more about the implementation of Interfolio here.


Policy Guidance and Updates

  1. ‘One and Done’ Tenure Review Policy: Based on guidance from the Office of Faculty Affairs, we have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual specifying that untenured faculty have only one opportunity to be reviewed for tenure.
  2. Chair’s Letter Template: We have created a chair’s letter template to help new department chairs with the process of writing letters for faculty appointment and promotion dossiers.
  3. Additional Voting Information and Template: We have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual regarding faculty voting requirements. We have also included a template for documenting faculty votes in the chair’s letter.
  4. Fixed-Term Hires and Reappointments: We have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual about the process for submitting fixed-term hire and reappointment actions.
  5. Out-of-Cycle Reviews (Tenured Associate Professors): We have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual clarifying the process for requesting out-of-cycle promotion reviews for tenured associate professors.
  6. Prior Experience Documented in Offer Letter: We have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual specifying that, for untenured faculty hires, prior experience in rank must be explicitly documented in the initial offer letter for that experience to be considered for early review.
  7. Dossier Confidentiality: We have provided additional information in the Chair’s Manual (Dealing with Difficult Issues → Privacy/Confidentiality Issues) specifying that APT dossiers are considered part of the faculty member’s personnel file and are thus confidential. No component of these dossiers should be shared with the faculty member. If a faculty member wishes to view their personnel file, they must submit a request through University Counsel.


Evan Pebesma, Ph.D.
Director of Faculty Administration
College of Arts and Sciences | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steele Building | 214 E. Cameron Ave. | Chapel Hill, NC 27514 |919-445-9644

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